Title: part 8 | |
kingdomofalder > Role Playing > Old Rps 1 | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:09/15/2015 8:12 PMCopy HTML Diana_Halliwell says to (18:51): nods slowly** Kassandra_Rosefern says to (18:51): how old is she Diana_Halliwell says to (18:51): 16-17 Kassandra_Rosefern says to (18:52): We have time...but not much...She would be able to transformby now...but at that age...she isnt transforming into magical creaturesyet...once she can transform into a dragon and hold the form for more than aday...That's when he could take the heart... Diana_Halliwell says to (18:53): **sighs deeply** Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:25): Maleficent wasnt a natural transformer...before as a Fairyshe never needed the ablity...so it never matured in her...her dragon abilitiesgrew out of her hatred for King Stefan...his actions fueled her desire forrevenge and her hatred... Diana_Halliwell says (19:26): makes sense Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:27): which Rumple arranged...he was teh one who told the boyStefan about the cave into the Moors...which is what lead him to meetingMaleficent Diana_Halliwell says (19:28): **shakes his head** Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:29): what can we do about the daughter Diana_Halliwell says (19:31): that is what we have been discussing...Prince Aladdin hastaken over watching the girl, with Princess Aliyah's help Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:32): That is a good start...I think we can both agree...given herpotiential powers...she can never return to the Borderland...Once shematures...Rumple will stop at nothing to steal her heart... Diana_Halliwell says (19:34): that is true...the princess and the girl have struck up afriendship that appears to be getting closer by the hour Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:34): That is good... Diana_Halliwell says (19:36): yes it is..both girls need that... *** (19:36):Kassandra_Rosefern quit the room *** (19:39):Welcome to generations , Kassandra_Rosefern ! Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:41): How do we keep her from trying to return to the Borderlands Diana_Halliwell says (19:42): that I believe is what the princess has been able to do,even after the incident yesterday... Diana_Halliwell says (19:44): yes, I realize that...and I have also observed that shelistens to the princess like an younger sister would to her older sister Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:45): That could work to our advantage Diana_Halliwell says (19:45): has already started Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:49): Maleficent will want her child back Diana_Halliwell says (19:50): yes I know... Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:51): ~sighs...~ Diana_Halliwell says (19:52): we have to take everything one step at a time....and praythe girls are able to forge a deep friendship, deep enough to keep young Leiafrom wanting to go back Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:53): and when she wants her mother? Diana_Halliwell says (19:53): we'll cross that bridge when we get to it Kassandra_Rosefern says to (19:54): We will have to come up with a plan Diana_Halliwell says (19:54): yes....first we need to get King Stefan and his family pasttheir prejudices against the young girl *** (19:59):Kassandra_Rosefern quit the room *** (20:00):Welcome to generations , Kassandra_Rosefern ! Diana_Halliwell says (20:00): yes....first we need to get King Stefan and his family pasttheir prejudices against the young girl Kassandra_Rosefern says to (20:01): Stefan was handpicked by Rumple to put those prejudices intoplace... Diana_Halliwell says (20:01): yes I know..and it needs to stop for us to succeed instopping him...and this kids are the ones to do it Kassandra_Rosefern says to (20:02): Maleficent was an innocent woodland fairy before Stefanentered her world...well on her way to becoming a Fairy Godmother that wouldhave rivaled the Blue Fairy...now...she is the wickedest sorceress to everexist...all because of one boy's actions Diana_Halliwell says (20:04): and like I said before these kids have the strength tochange the path Kassandra_Rosefern says to (20:05): Rumple isnt going to risk his prize getting away again Kassandra_Rosefern says to (20:07): He will have something in place that will get his hands onthat girl Diana_Halliwell says (20:09): we will have to be on the look out for it Kassandra_Rosefern says to (20:11): ~nods~ In hisweakened state...he cant go up against Maleficent directly...she would rip himto shreds...whatever he has going on...it sutle...nothing obvious... Diana_Halliwell says (20:11): his MO for everything else he has done Kassandra_Rosefern says to (20:15): alright...He has the True Love Potion...He has the soul of afirstborn...all he needs is the Dragon's Heart... *** (20:18):Kassandra_Rosefern quit the room |