Title: part 6 | |
kingdomofalder > Role Playing > Old Rps 2 | Go to subcategory: |
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andrasygirl | |
Date Posted:11/23/2017 2:40 PMCopy HTML Anna stood at the barrier, studying it, a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #101 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/18/2017 1:54 AMCopy HTML He picks up his sword..."The usual...Wolves...bandits...lions...The Forbidden forest is not a nice place on a good day...and with the threat of open war between the Queens and Rumple's alliance...its getting more and more dangerous..."
andrasygirl | Share to: #102 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/18/2017 5:18 AMCopy HTML Then I suppose we better get moving then" She says, not batting a lash at the sword. |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #103 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/18/2017 5:55 AMCopy HTML “This way...”. He says...leading her off the ship...He heads to the local stable and brings back out his horse...mounting him...offering his hand down to Ana...
andrasygirl | Share to: #104 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/18/2017 7:35 AMCopy HTML Ana takes his hand and expertly mounts behind him, wrapping her arms around him so she wouldnt fall
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #105 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/18/2017 4:43 PMCopy HTML As they ride...Ana has a chance to see just how dark and gloomy this side of the barrier really was...The Forest wasnt the only thing affected by the concentration of evil...
andrasygirl | Share to: #106 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/18/2017 9:15 PMCopy HTML Though Ana could see the effects of the concentration of evil, ever the optimist she could also see the small spots that it hadn't corrupted. A small plant growing strong, a spurt of daylight leaking though the ever-present cloud cover. She could also feel the familiar pit in her stomach that had more and more become her constant companion "Mr. Jones, may i ask you something?" she inquired as she took in their surroundings.
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #107 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/19/2017 4:47 AMCopy HTML “What would you like to ask, Highness...?” James said as they rode out of the small gloomy town...ahead of them was a sinister looking forest...the Forbidden Forest...
andrasygirl | Share to: #108 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/19/2017 6:21 AMCopy HTML Ana sighed at the title but continued on "If there was a way to fix this side of the barrier, would you?"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #109 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/19/2017 7:59 AMCopy HTML Unless you are planning on taking down the barrier...that isn’t likely to happen...and honestly...no...I may have been born here...but this is not where I want to live...I am only hear because like everyone else...I cant leave...
andrasygirl | Share to: #110 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/20/2017 6:25 AMCopy HTML "So, you wouldn't save it? You would just leave it to die?" She asked him |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #111 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/20/2017 7:49 AMCopy HTML Why would I save a place that is a prison?
andrasygirl | Share to: #112 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 2:16 PMCopy HTML "Because no one deserves to live like this" she said softly as they entered the forbidden forest, his words sinking in
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #113 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 2:28 PMCopy HTML “ Apparently that is not what the rest of Mysthaven feels...”. He says softly...taking her deeper into the forest...keeping alert for any trouble...
andrasygirl | Share to: #114 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 2:38 PMCopy HTML Ana doesn't say anything, thinking on what he said, not noticing when the light grew darker the further they went into the forest. They rode in silence until she became aware of a soft growling noise "Mr Jones" she said softly, moving her hand to his shoulder "I don't think we are alone any more"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #115 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 6:50 PMCopy HTML “I hear them...we are almost there...although we are skipping the part where I take you to where I found you...”. He says...keeping a steady hand on the horse...
andrasygirl | Share to: #116 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 6:52 PMCopy HTML No, i need still need to go" She said firmly
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #117 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 7:29 PMCopy HTML Not safe...we go that deep into the forest we will never out run them.
andrasygirl | Share to: #118 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 7:48 PMCopy HTML Ana was quiet for a moment as she looked around "Who said anything about out running them?" She asked before grabbing a large branch they passed under and levered herself up into the tree and began to climb the tree
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #119 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/21/2017 9:19 PMCopy HTML He pulls on the reigns of his horse “whoa...what are you doing?”
andrasygirl | Share to: #120 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 2:18 PMCopy HTML "Trust me" she calls down as she begins to climb, searching for something, she found the large purple bloom she was looking for near the top of the tree. Sending up a thank you she plucked the flower and gently gripping the stem between her teeth she began to climb back down.
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #121 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 6:58 PMCopy HTML “We stopped and risked death...So you can pick flowers...?” He said...watching her climb back down...
andrasygirl | Share to: #122 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 7:34 PMCopy HTML Ana smiled "trust me" was all she said as she dropped back onto the horse behind "head to the clearing"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #123 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 9:13 PMCopy HTML “Yes...Your Highness...”. He says...heading toward the clearing...its not long before the wolves are getting closer...he shakes his head...changing his mind...heading toward a place he knew they would be safe from the wolves...a protected glade...
andrasygirl | Share to: #124 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 9:51 PMCopy HTML while they were riding, she was crushing the flower petals "are we almost there?" she asked
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #125 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 10:01 PMCopy HTML They are getting too close...we need someplace safe until they loose interest in us...
andrasygirl | Share to: #126 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/22/2017 10:31 PMCopy HTML I have to go back to that clearing. They won't bother us once we get there
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #127 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/23/2017 5:47 PMCopy HTML And I am to get you back to your side of the barrier safely...What you do not seem to grasp, Your Highness...is there is no magic on this side of the barrier...
andrasygirl | Share to: #128 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/23/2017 8:42 PMCopy HTML "Look, will you just trust me?" she half demanded
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #129 |
Re:part 6 Date Posted:12/24/2017 12:46 PMCopy HTML He rides into the protected glade...startling those who are there...not expected to find anyone there...(continued on part 10)