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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/18/2009 5:00 PM

Date Posted:11/06/2015 9:30 PMCopy HTML

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› Guest_Aliyah has joined the conversation.
› Guest_Dastan +q Guest_Aliyah
Guest_Dastan finally arrives back from the search party...immediantly going to the apartment that he shares with his wife...
Guest_Aliyah was leaving the apartment, having been watching from the window, seeing the search party return, and runs right into him
Guest_Dastan gathers her into his arms...already breifed about what had occured..."Are you alright?"
Guest_Aliyah nods holding him tight
Guest_Dastan gently pulls back...lightly kissing her...
Guest_Aliyah kisses him back before breaking it " did the clothes fit?"
Guest_Dastan gives a bit of a laugh...hugging her tightly..."Fine..."
Guest_Aliyah smiles, hugging him back, before pulling out and pulling him into their apartment "Im sure they told you everything..."
Guest_Dastan : yeah...are you sure you are ok
Guest_Aliyah : other than having trouble sleeping, Im fine....
Guest_Aliyah : and we dont need one of those magical beans
Guest_Dastan nods...having been breifed about that too
Guest_Aliyah : I promise Im fine...I fought back...
Guest_Dastan : I know you did
Guest_Dastan isnt sure if he wants to tell her
Guest_Aliyah : Dastan, what is it?
Guest_Dastan : Leia
Guest_Aliyah : she didnt...
Guest_Dastan : we dont know how she did it...but she got out of hte council building...she is somewhere in Alder City...Yensid activated the spell that keeps us inside the city walls...but we cant find her...
Guest_Aliyah pulls away from him, wrapping her arms around her
Guest_Dastan moves closer to her..."Hey...She's going to be ok..."
Guest_Aliyah : Its my fault that she left...
Guest_Dastan : She...idolizes her mother...always has
Guest_Aliyah : thats what I get for trying to do something nice...
Guest_Dastan : not beat yourself probably saved Maleficent's life...
Guest_Dastan : and please dont hate me
Guest_Aliyah looks at him
Guest_Dastan takes her into his arms..."I wish we were near the barrier to the Borderlands..."
Guest_Aliyah 's eyes widen as they turn the golden brown as she grants his wish, and they appear near the borderlands
Guest_Dastan looks into her eyes...taking a deep breath..."Now...I wish for my father to be here...with us..."
Guest_Aliyah 's eyes turn a deep golden brown as there is a huge gust of wind
› Guest_Jafar has joined the conversation.
› Guest_Jafar +Q Guest_Jafar
Guest_Jafar appears....
Guest_Dastan quickly turns to face his father...holding Ali behind him
Guest_Aliyah stays behind her husband
Guest_Dastan : Dad...
Guest_Dastan lets go of his wife...warning her to stay back..."We need to talk now Dad..."
Guest_Jafar : what are you doing with Aladdin's brat
Guest_Aliyah narrows her eyes, raising her arm to send him flying when he says that
Guest_Dastan fights to keep his face neutral...he looks back at his wife...raising a hand to her to stop her...then goes over to his father...leading him a bit away....but keeping his near the border....talking low...
Guest_Aliyah lowers her arm, watching them
Guest_Jafar as they talk...Jafar glares in Ali's direction...then nods to his son...stepping back across the barrier...glowing for a second as his powers are sapped once again...
Guest_Dastan : Be careful
Guest_Dastan walks back over to Ali...starting to lead her away..."Ok...Can you get us back to Alder City...or do I need to make a wish?"
› Guest_Jafar has left the conversation.
Guest_Aliyah gives him a look, making a small movement with her hand and they disappear in a swirl of blue smoke, Dastan appearing out on the balcony, the doors shut and locked while Ali appears inside the apartment
Guest_Dastan : Ali
Guest_Aliyah glares at him through the window, as the doors to the balcony open, and she turns away
Guest_Dastan comes in..."Thank you..."
Guest_Aliyah stays quiet
Guest_Dastan : now they are both safe...
Guest_Aliyah nods, still quiet
Guest_Dastan : Thank you for that
Guest_Aliyah "welcome" says in a very controlled voice
Guest_Dastan : I told his breifly what happened...Rumple...everything...He is to go to Maleficent and start to figure out a way to stop Rumple and the Queens...
Guest_Aliyah : alright..he was glaring at me...more so than being Aladdin daughter
Guest_Dastan : Sweetheart...he hates your father and grandfather...and he isnt thrilled I said you were my wife
Guest_Dastan : probably thinks he lost another thing to your family...
Guest_Aliyah probably" going and sitting on the couch
Guest_Dastan : yeah...and didnt exactly have time to convince him its not teh case...have to handle that later...
Guest_Aliyah looks at him "you couldve just asked to go to the barrier..."
Guest_Dastan : Didnt know how receptive you were going to be...considering I am sure that you were already feeling upset because of Leia and Maleficent...figured the faster I got it over with...the safer...
Guest_Aliyah sighs deeply
Guest_Dastan : plus I wasnt about to open this debate up with the Council
Guest_Aliyah : I already did last night....and now Leia is mad at me....and I hope he didnt realize it was me that brought him back....
Guest_Dastan : He figured that out already...and I warned him to keep quiet about it
Guest_Aliyah 's eyes go wide as she goes pale
Guest_Dastan : He is a former Genie himself...he recognized the power
Guest_Dastan : he'll keep quiet
Guest_Dastan : or he will have to deal with me
Guest_Aliyah gives him a small smile "just next time, ask me not wish alright...."
Guest_Dastan : deal
Guest_Dastan gives her a small smile back
Guest_Aliyah gets up and goes over to him, hugging him "and Im sorry...."
Guest_Dastan : I am too
Guest_Dastan hugs her back..." that our parents are safe...any ideas where Leia could be hiding?"
Guest_Aliyah : I dont know...its not safe out there for Phillip still out there, looking for her now?
Guest_Dastan : yeah...I snuck back to be with you
Guest_Dastan : and get that done...
Guest_Dastan : figured with everyone searching for her...I could pull this off without ackward questions
Guest_Aliyah : smart move though, doing it at the barrier....
Guest_Dastan : figured if he didnt go over willingly...I could always push him over...
Guest_Aliyah : was going to before you talked to him
Guest_Dastan smirks at that..."Glad we think alike."
Guest_Aliyah grins, leaning up and kisses him deeply
Guest_Dastan kisses her back...then breaks it..."I need to reinsert myself into the search."
Guest_Aliyah : Im going with you
Guest_Dastan : no...its you she is angry at
Guest_Aliyah : I cant just stay here!
Guest_Dastan : are safer here...I know Leia...she is angry and hurt...which makes her unpredictable and dangerous...
Guest_Aliyah looks at him
Guest_Dastan : are staying here
Guest_Dastan : No
Guest_Aliyah looks away from him
Guest_Dastan : We'll find just please...stay here where I know you are safe...please
Guest_Aliyah nods, biting her lower lip
Guest_Dastan kisses her cheek..."Love you..."
Guest_Aliyah love you too" says softly
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