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- Register:11/18/2009 5:00 PM
Date Posted:11/06/2015 2:11 AMCopy HTML
Connecting to Connected! › You have joined the conversation. Guest_Leia comes into Ali's apartment..."There is no way you are going back there alone!" › Guest_Aliyah has changed your modes to +q Guest_Aliyah looks up, startled, having been reading some reports "Hi to you too...and there is no way you are going there whether I go alone or not." Guest_Leia : wanna bet Guest_Aliyah glares at her "Leia, this isnt up for discussing..You are NOT stepping foot anywhere near that damned pirate...and nothing has been decided yet" Guest_Leia : That...Pirate...kidnapped my best friend...I am not going to just sit on teh sidelines while you go back to get a magic bean that is essential to the pain on getting MY MOTHER...back... Guest_Leia : besides...I am 18 now...an adult...the Council doesnt have control of me any more...nore does Dastan Guest_Leia : I am going Guest_Aliyah gets up and goes over to her, gently putting her hands on her shoulders "Leia...listen to me, nothing has been decided...we are waiting to make a decision on that for when the guys return..." Guest_Leia looks at her...cooling off a bit... Guest_Leia : yes Guest_Leia pulls Ali into a hug...› Guest_Aliyah +q Guest_Artemis Guest_Artemis is watching from the doorway...having stopped and listened to the exchange... Guest_Aliyah pulls back and glances over her shoulder "Leia...there is someone I want you to meet..." she motions Artemis in Guest_Leia looks at the newcomer...then back at Ali... Guest_Aliyah : This is Artemis...she helped me escape from the island... Guest_Leia : Pleasure...and thank you Guest_Aliyah : we figured out she is the daughter of Robin Hood and Maid Marian Guest_Leia : you were at Rumple's...one of his servant girls Guest_Leia : They are still a day out...they were searching near the borderlands to see if somehow Ali had been taken there Guest_Aliyah steps away from the other two, her hand going up to her naked neck, as she looks out the window Guest_Artemis nods in understanding..."They had no idea that you had been taken in the other direct...toward the sea." Guest_Leia : That in itself doesnt make sense...how did Hook of all people escape that curse...and take over Neverland without any of the Council finding out? Guest_Aliyah I dont know...but cant help but wonder if either Yensid or Eragon may have a theory" says, leaning against the wall looking out the window Guest_Leia : if they do...they are not sharing Guest_Aliyah : no they arent...and we arent going to pester them about it right now.... Guest_Artemis : All I know...the Captain was always able to move freely...with no restrictions...I mean...he had no trouble crossing the barrier when he took me to the island two years ago... Guest_Leia : so what do we do now Guest_Aliyah : we wait for the guys to return...until then, Artemis...what sort of traps does he have around that bean patch? Guest_Artemis : steam vents...fire throwers...electrical...pits...posioned darts...its highly protected and magically protected Guest_Aliyah shrugs "ok..really doesnt matter which one....you know where everything is located?" Guest_Leia : I can disarm anything magically generated Guest_Leia : what Guest_Artemis : I lay out where all the traps are...you will leave me here...not happening... Guest_Leia : you tricked me into thinking you were going to go through with a loveless arranged marriage Guest_Aliyah rubs her temple "you know you could give me a chance to lay out the plans I somewhat have made before jumping to conclusions" she snaps Guest_Leia : lay it out then Ali Guest_Aliyah : having a map will help us disable the nonmagical protections he has set up...and between you and me, Leia, we can take out the magical ones...and easily in and out and back here before he even has time to get to the bean patch... Guest_Aliyah : and with Arte being the daughter of Robin Hood, she may have inheriated his talent with the bow Guest_Artemis : but according to that...Yensid guy...i wouldnt have inheirated any of his magic Guest_Aliyah : true, but that doesnt mean you arent a natural at what he was good at. Guest_Leia : Why wouldnt she have magic Guest_Aliyah : she was the second born to Robin and Marian, who were soulmates....apparently its just the first borns of soulmates and true loves that inherit magic.... Guest_Leia : that sucks Guest_Aliyah : yes it does...but it does not mean that she couldnt have inheriated anything natural from him...I know I inherited my dad's gifts Guest_Leia : true Guest_Aliyah : and i think with everything we have combined, magical and non magical, we can pull that off.... Guest_Leia looks back at Ali Guest_Leia : what Guest_Aliyah looks at them, "follow me" and leaves the apartment, heading down to the dungeons Guest_Leia and Artemis follow Ali Guest_Aliyah they go into the dungeon, to two empty ones side by side "please under stand this isnt personal, just precautionary, Leia" as the two cells suddenly start glowing Guest_Leia looks at her confused... Guest_Aliyah smiles softly, and all of the sudden there was a blast of strong wind, stronger than the gust that gave Leia her memories back› Guest_Malificent +Q Guest_Malificent Guest_Artemis sheilds her face from the blast of wind...not understanding what is going on... Guest_Leia covers her face as well...the pink folds of her gown fly back from the strong wind Guest_Malificent as the wind dies die, Malificent appears in one of the enchanted cells Guest_Leia : MOM! Guest_Malificent LEIA!" steps to the cell door, putting her hands through the bars out to her daughter Guest_Aliyah smiles softly watching them "come on...lets give them some privacy" she whispers to Artemis Guest_Leia takes her mother's hands..."Let her out!" Guest_Aliyah bites her lower lip, and the cell opens up, and Mal glows before she is able to step out as Ali suppresses her powers Guest_Leia hugs her mother Guest_Leia : I am fine...are you alright? Guest_Aliyah steps out into the hallway to give them some privacyGuest_Yensid comes into the dungeons..."What is going on down here...I felt a surge of magic..." › Guest_Aliyah +q Guest_Yensid Guest_Leia looks down...realizing what she was wearing...then looks at her mother... Guest_Aliyah : I brought Maleficient here from Oz and suppressed her magic, and enchanted the cells.... Guest_Leia : it would take a really long time to explain Guest_Artemis looks between the Council Leader and Ali...hesitating before obeying... Guest_Leia : I am married to Prince Phillip Guest_Leia : Mom....Dont over react Guest_Aliyah : I was thinking it would be safer than going back to skull island to get the beans.... Guest_Leia : I know Mom Guest_Leia : Mom Guest_Aliyah : she's a mother who has been away from her daughter for way to long....and I took precautions...her magic is suppressed and the cells are enchanted... Guest_Yensid : That is not the point Highness...She is a Villian who was tried, convicted and banished from the Empire...to bring her back...put every one of her victums and their loved ones in danger Guest_Leia : I love him Guest_Aliyah : as much as you dont want to hear it, we are going to need her help...to keep Leia safe Guest_Aliyah : blocks his path, straightening up to her full height "dont...let them spend some time together...they'll stay in there....and afterwards, I'll send her back to the borderlands...and I think by doing this, will help persuade her to help keep Rumple from getting Leia" Guest_Yensid : What happens next, Highness...I know she is yoru friend...the sister you never got to have...if she asked you to set her mother free...what would you do... Guest_Leia : yes Guest_Yensid : and your husband...would you set Jafar free...if he asked it of you Guest_Yensid : would you endanger all of Agrabah to free your father in law...risk thousands of lives Guest_Leia : Mom Guest_Leia : I just....I love him Guest_Yensid : All magic comes with a price...in some form or fashion...You want to see the good in both of them...because of Dastan and Leia...but you need to face reality...They made their choices...they chose to follow the path of evil... Guest_Aliyah : even so, they should have the right to be in their children's lives› Guest_Artemis has left the conversation. Guest_Aliyah looks back at him "I know its a risk, and one I'll take full responsiblity for...but its not fair to them to not see their parents, if only for a few minutes..." Guest_Leia swallows hard Guest_Leia : no Guest_Leia nods Guest_Leia : Alder City Guest_Leia turns as Ali comes in... Guest_Leia : go? Guest_Aliyah nods "back to the borderlands and her fortress..." Guest_Leia : what...no Guest_Leia backs up... Guest_Aliyah : Leia, please dont make this any harder than it already is... Guest_Yensid steps in after Ali..."The child is safer here..." Guest_Leia : Ali...no... Guest_Leia 's eyes start to glow... Guest_Aliyah looks away as there is a sudden gust of wind and Mal disappears, appearing back in her fortress Guest_Leia : NO Guest_Aliyah im sorry" she says softly, before leaving the dungeons› Guest_Malificent has left the conversation. Guest_Yensid uses a magical dust to keep Leia in her human form...after a long time...he knocks on Ali's door Guest_Aliyah says from the window seat she was sitting on, looking out the window Guest_Aliyah wipes at her cheek "I dont need another lecture" Guest_Aliyah : I know how she is feeling, being separated from her mother....and I just thought it would be safer to bring her here instead of going into OZ to get them out.... Guest_Yensid sighs...sitting down on a chair near her window..."Your heart is in the place...Weather the council likes it or not...that Barrier wasnt a great idea...it solved a problem 25 years ago...but...the world is changing..." Guest_Aliyah : long time allies are turning against their friends, the four of us are being seen as token couples Guest_Yensid : your...relationships...have opened a door no one was ready to handle Guest_Yensid : None of the older generation of heros expected thier past adversaries to have children... Guest_Aliyah sights, getting up, walking away from him "everyone is born innocent..hell even stefan was innocent before he met Malificent" Guest_Yensid : No one expected or even dreamed that a civil war would start in the Borderlands... Guest_Aliyah : what did you expect? you put a group of power hungry indivduals together, locking them in...something was bound to happen Guest_Aliyah : and as much as you dont like it, her mother and my father-in-law can maybe help with it.... Guest_Yensid : no matter what happens...the four of you are the keys... Guest_Yensid : the four of you did something that no one else dreamed of...you put aside the titles...and followed your hearts...and I do beleive that will make all the difference in the world Guest_Aliyah : and it wont me a damn thing if they cant have some sort of relationship with their parents Guest_Aliyah looks at him, smiling softly "How come I was only able to bring just Malificent back?"