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Date Posted:10/07/2015 9:15 PMCopy HTML
Connecting to irc.buzzen.net:6668 Connected! › You have joined the conversation. Guest_Eragon returns to the camp about an hour... › Guest_Phillip has changed your modes to +q Guest_Eragon : Waiting on a reply Guest_Phillip glances over at Ali, who he had convinced to lay down after Eragon had left "how long do you expect it will take?" Guest_Eragon : depends on how stubborn this person decides to be Guest_Eragon : how is she Guest_Phillip : she's going to end up doing something extremely stupid if your help doesnt make up their mind soon....I caught her trying to sneak off after you had left...I dont know what to do to help her..I know how bad she is hurting› Guest_Phillip +q Guest_Regina Guest_Eragon stands...sword drawn when the figure appears... Guest_Phillip pulls out his sword in surprise when the figure appears Guest_Eragon : Phillip...meet Queen Regina...better known in our world as the Evil Queen Guest_Phillip looks at her warily "your highness" he nods his head towards her Guest_Eragon : lets put title aside Regina Guest_Eragon : and you owe me Guest_Aliyah hearing the talking, she gets up, wrapping Phillips cloak tightly around her, as she makes her way over to them "and what does having titles have to do with offering help" Guest_Eragon : Aliyah...Queen Regina Guest_Phillip goes over and stands next to Ali, sword held in a protective manner in front of them Guest_Eragon : Rumple had almost everything he needs to undo what we did Guest_Aliyah elbows Phillip in the side when he opens his mouth to make a smart comment Guest_Regina : He has spent almost 50 years trying to gather the right ingrediants... Guest_Regina : He cant...we elimated that threat years ago when we arranged for the dimwits to enchant that sword Guest_Phillip : magic passes on from generation to generation...and dont called them that Guest_Regina looks at Phillip...then to Ali..."The daughter has dragon magic?" Guest_Aliyah gently puts her hand on Phillips arm, as she looks back at Regina "yes" Guest_Regina sighs..."Do you know how hard it was to arrange for that blasted sword to end up in his father's hands...not to mention setting up that prince to fall for Aurora in the first place." Guest_Eragon : we were lucky Guest_Eragon : when did he summon you Guest_Eragon : we need to get to them before that can happen...last I saw her...her dragon form was still that of a baby Guest_Eragon : we have a few days at most before she will mature to that Guest_Regina : You know...you could have avoided all of this if you had just let me go years ago... Guest_Eragon : you used a posioned apple on an innocent girl Guest_Eragon : and that is why you are with the other villains Guest_Aliyah : right now, this is about that...its about getting a friend and wife out of that bastards hands Guest_Eragon glares at her Guest_Eragon : what do you want...Regina Guest_Eragon : No Guest_Eragon : as long as your happy ending is Snow White's suffering...the answer is no Guest_Eragon : she was a child Guest_Eragon : The question really is...Regina...do you really want to see Rumple get himself free...He suggested to your mother that you wed Leopold...he set you up to watch Daniel die in your arms as your mother crushed his heart when you refused to do what she and Rumple wanted Guest_Eragon : He made sure you ended up Snow's step mother...with all that hatred between you... Guest_Regina : I know what he did...I live with it...every day...my determination to punish Snow...which I am still going to make sure she pays for what she did...pushed her toward her Prince...true love...with their hairs...Rumple stole Mal's potion...and presto...true love potion Guest_Eragon moves toward her..."Daniel died because he was in thier way...little Snow was a pawn in their end game...just like you have always been..." Guest_Regina stares at him...then sighs..."At...least...get me out of the Borderlands..." Guest_Eragon glances back at Phillip and Ali Guest_Aliyah and phillip look at each other before nodding their agreement "we leave her at Alder City after we get back" Guest_Aliyah : i said nothing of you being a prisoner...its just to give them a chance to let Snow and David know what has happened and why you are in Misthaven Guest_Eragon : its the best offer you are going to get...Take it Regina Guest_Aliyah smiles softly as she thinks back to one of the first few conversations they had with Leia and Dastan about the same thing Guest_Regina : Fine...I will see what the situation is at the castle...and report back tonight Guest_Aliyah : can you do one more thing in addition to that, your majesty? Guest_Aliyah can you find out the condition of Dastan, please Guest_Regina looks at Eragon...then back at Ali..."Yes...I can do that...Your Highness..." and with that...she disappears into a cloud of purple smoke...› Guest_Phillip has left the conversation. › Guest_Phillip +Q Guest_Phillip Guest_Eragon glances back at his young students..."Gives you a whole new prespective on the Evil Queen...doesnt it." Guest_Aliyah steps away from Phillip "yes it does..." going and sitting on a log Guest_Eragon settles on a log...waiting for the questions he knows they must have... Guest_Phillip : i get why she is mad and such, but why hold a kid responsible Guest_Eragon : Regina was a child herself... Guest_Eragon : Eva...Snow's mother and Leopold's true love...died suddenly...leaving Leopold lonely and heartbroken...there was a push at court for him to find himself another wife...to hopefully produce a male heir...Regina was just a bit younger than Leia...when she saved Snow's life...Leopold chose her despite the fact that Regina's heart belonged to a commoner...Daniel Guest_Eragon : Regina...at barely 17...was suddenly married to a man twice her age...a man she didnt love...a Queen...lost her true love...and now stuck as mother figure to her 10 year old step daughter...who was the apple of her father's eye and considered the jewel of the kingdom... Guest_Eragon : Regina had been used and abused her entire life by her mother...prepared to be a Queen that she never wanted to be... Guest_Eragon : by the time she arranged for her husband's murder...she had gone from a kind and sweet young girl to a vengeful witch deteremined to make the one person who couldnt fight back pay for an accidental telling of a secret... Guest_Eragon : Her mother is a real peice of work Guest_Eragon : I am sure by now that Leia and Dastan have told you about the Queens Guest_Eragon : The Queens of Hearts, Diamonds, Spades and Clubs are all powerful women who married into existing royal families...and took over...they rule by fear and intimdation...they kill when it suits them...holding those under thier rule in utter slavery... Guest_Eragon : Regina's mother Cora...is the Queen of Hearts...so also has two other daughters other than Regina...whom as are ruthless and cold as she is...Anastasia the Red Queen...and Mirana...the White Queen... Guest_Aliyah : Leia said something about Dastan having a brother but went missing or something after mocking the white queen... Guest_Eragon : Mirana turned him into a salt pillar... Guest_Eragon : He insulted her... Guest_Eragon : Regina is considered one of the Queens... Guest_Eragon : Cora also has another daughter...Zelena...her father was a wizard in a foreign land...She is there...but known there as the Wicked Witch of the West Guest_Eragon : Regina has done her fair share of evil deeds...which is why like all the other villains...she was banished to the Borderlands Guest_Eragon : but when you reconsider what made her that way... Guest_Eragon : Snow and Charming wont see it that way...all they will see is the vengeful witch who was determined to end Snow's life Guest_Eragon : they also have two children to consider Guest_Aliyah : I know..thats why I said she'll be staying in Alder City for the time being or we find a way to keep her here after getting Dastan and Leia out of here Guest_Eragon : we'll figure that out once we get Dastan and Leia Guest_Regina Several hours pass...they stick close to the camp...until later in the evening...once the sun had gone down...Regina appears in a cloud of purple smoke Guest_Eragon : Regina Guest_Phillip stays where he is, having been doing guard duty, glances back Guest_Aliyah tenses up when she says that "how so?" she asks softly Guest_Regina looks at Ali..."They are both alright...no injuries I could detect...but...he altered their memories...they dont remember ever meeting the princess in the woods...or crossing the border..." Guest_Eragon : how so Guest_Regina : when he put the memory charm on them...he strengthened it...with a drop of the true love potion... Guest_Eragon sighs..."So True Love's kiss wont be effective at all..." Guest_Aliyah moves away from them, going to the far side of the camp, staring at Rumples fortress Guest_Regina : They are going to have to make them fall in love with them all over again Guest_Regina : I saw Maleficent's guards in Rumple's castle...without their Mistress Guest_Phillip looks at Eragon "well that if that doesnt get Maleficent to agree to an alliance with us, nothing will" Guest_Eragon : Why Guest_Regina : When I arrived...Rumple was mixing ingrediants for a containment spell... Guest_Regina : One of my sister's specialities...she can trap any beings she choses in a miniature world...that is portable...a tiny prison...I think...she trapped Jafar and Maleficent in one...with Rumple's help Guest_Aliyah : Master Eragon, what would he have done to excelerate Leia's maturing as a magical dragon? Guest_Eragon : Sent her out hunting...the stronger she becomes...the faster she matures...the more time she spends in the form...the faster she would mature Guest_Eragon : no...your powers work differently Guest_Regina : The Dragoness was out all day...hunting with Jafar's brat...they had just gone up to bed when I snuck out to come to you Guest_Eragon : Regina Guest_Eragon : Do you think you can get the dagger Guest_Eragon : Get it...and meet us back here Guest_Eragon : if all goes according to my plan...we are leaving tonight...so bring whatever you need to Guest_Eragon looks at Ali..."Dont mention what you are around her....or she will use it to her advantage...got me?" Guest_Aliyah takes in a deep breath when she disappears and nods "yes sir..." she says softly Guest_Eragon : alright...time to make use of what you are Guest_Eragon : Phillip...I beleive you know how this works Guest_Eragon : just them Guest_Eragon goes to his pouch...pulling out two magical cuffs...along with bindings Guest_Phillip looks at Ali and she nods "Aliyah, I wish that Leia and Dastan were here with us" Guest_Aliyah they feel a gust of wind as her eyes go a golden color as she grants his wish› Guest_Aliyah +q Guest_Dastan › Guest_Aliyah +q Guest_Leia Guest_Leia appears with Dastan on the ground...asleep... Guest_Eragon tosses a cuff at Phillip...quickly moving to Dastan and putting it on his wrist...activating it to cut off the boys magic Guest_Phillip catches the cuff, putting it on Leia, and activating hers to cut off her magic Guest_Eragon keeps hold of Dastan...tying his hands together before he can put up much of a fight... Guest_Leia 's yell wakes her up...she instantly tries to move away from Phillip..."Whoa!" Guest_Aliyah steps closer to Dastan "stop it...no one is going to hurt you" Guest_Eragon : Gotta wait...Ali...there is a bag of sleeping dust in my bag Guest_Aliyah steps over to his bag, grabbing the sleeping dust, her eyes not leaving her husband's face, trying to think of a way to get his memories back, and she opens the bag, blowing the powder in Dastan's face and then in Leia's Guest_Dastan coughs...trying to move away from the dust...but he soon settles back to sleep... Guest_Leia "NO..." Yelps as she also tries to move away from teh dust...before falling back to sleep in her husband's arms...a husband she doesnt remember... Guest_Eragon : Good job Guest_Eragon gently lays Dastan back on the ground... Guest_Eragon : use your teleknetic powers to lift him after Regina gets here Guest_Aliyah nods, going and sitting next to her sleeping husband, gently putting his head on her lap Guest_Eragon : She will Guest_Eragon : you ok to carry Leia? Guest_Phillip : yeah..Im fine...so what are we going to do about that cave? Guest_Eragon : we are going to destroy it after we get back over Guest_Regina appears in a swirl of purple smoke...holding a dagger that bears Rumple's name on it... Guest_Eragon : Good job Guest_Eragon moves over...taking it from her... Guest_Eragon : We each have our skills... Guest_Eragon : lets go Guest_Eragon offers Regina his arm... Guest_Eragon leads them all back through the cave...when they reach the other side...he carefully slips a magic draining cuff on Regina... Guest_Eragon : taking percautions... Guest_Eragon : Ali...Phillip...destroy the cave Guest_Eragon pulls Regina away from the two teens...out of their earshot... Guest_Aliyah the two gently set down Dastan and Leia, before going back to the cave, and they start to destroy the cave Guest_Eragon is waiting for Ali and Phillip when they arrive back at the Council building in Alder Guest_Aliyah and Phillip arrive back at the council building Guest_Eragon : Leia and Dastan in secured suites...until we can find a way to restore their memories...they are back to being the villains Guest_Eragon : sad to say...but yet Guest_Eragon : yes* Guest_Eragon : with one difference Guest_Eragon : this time...they are your spouses...the binding is still enacted...changing their memories wont undo the bonding...it should help you to connect with them faster... Guest_Eragon : just keep in mind...they dont know you...as far as they know...you have never met Guest_Eragon : take it slow...day by day...and those cuffs stay on Guest_Eragon : alright...I will handle the Queen Guest_Eragon : alright...good luck Guest_Phillip takes Ali's hand and the two of them go to the suites where Leia and Dastan are being kept Guest_Phillip squeezes her hand before going into Leia's room, shutting the door behind him Guest_Aliyah after Phillip goes into Leia's room, Ali stands out in the hall for a few minutes before going into Dastan's room, shutting the door behind her, staying by the door as she looks at him Guest_Leia is just waking up...she is trying to sit up on the bed... Guest_Leia jumps when he touches her..."Who are you!?!" Guest_Leia 's eyes widen...she quickly gets off the bed... Guest_Phillip silently counts to ten before speaking up "everything will be alright..." Guest_Aliyah you decided to stay over here" her eyes land on the pendant he is wearing Guest_Leia backs into the wall...her hand trying to get the cuff off.... Guest_Phillip : Leia, relax...that cuff is just a precaution for the time being... Guest_Aliyah : because thats your nature and your memories have been tampered with Guest_Phillip : you dont remember because something happened to your memories Guest_Aliyah : if Im insane, how do I know that you hardly wear any jewelry but you are wearing a snake pendant Guest_Dastan reaches up...feeling the pendant on his neck..."...It...was my fathers..." Guest_Phillip goes over to her, and gently takes the hand with her ring on it "I gave you this ring a few weeks ago" Guest_Aliyah : your father isnt that setimental...I gave you that pendant just a few days ago Guest_Phillip : when I gave it to you, you said you couldnt keep it it belonged to a princess, but I wouldnt let you give it back, I put that ring on your finger myself Guest_Aliyah : really? you were an ass to me from the moment you got here before and you said that you would do whatever it took to protect me Guest_Dastan : The only one I have ever said I would protect is Ana... Guest_Leia looks up at him...breathing hard...gently pulling her hand free of him... Guest_Aliyah : Dastan, you said that to me...along with calling me the daughter of a street rat, which I kinda threw you across the garden for.... Guest_Phillip lets go of her hand "I also told you I would help you protect your mother, even after the pain and grief she had caused my family" Guest_Dastan : NO...I have never said anything to you before today...Ana threw me across the room when I insulted her by calling her the granddaughter of a lowly miller Guest_Leia : my mother is dead...she died a few weeks ago... Guest_Aliyah : got news for you, she cant do that telekenticly, magic doesnt exist over there except for a certain few Guest_Dastan looks at her...it dawns on him that she is right... Guest_Aliyah : I threw you across the gardens when you called me a street rat Guest_Dastan pulls the necklace from around his neck...looking at the back...at the engraving that has Ali and his names on it...he sits down weakly... Guest_Phillip : he didnt kill her...he hasnt seen her since she was banished to the borderland Guest_Leia : but....she's dead...he is the only one who would want her dead Guest_Aliyah goes over and sits next to him "Im that Ali..." Guest_Aliyah : you dont remember because your memories have been altered.... Guest_Dastan : I remember....being in a room...Rumple was binding me to Ana Guest_Aliyah : Yensid was binding you and me together....same with Leia and Phillip.... Guest_Leia leans against the wall...breathing hard... Guest_Dastan looks at her...and at the necklace around her neck..."I gave this...to you?" Guest_Phillip gets up and goes over to her, pulling her into a hug "I know this is confusing and unsettling to you, but I swear what Im telling you is the truth" Guest_Leia gets pulled into a hug...getting a flash...she looks up at him..."Phillip?" Guest_Leia pulls free....going over to the window...scanning the sky...her eyes focusing on the tallest tower... Guest_Aliyah gently takes his hand in hers "I told you once that I like your bad behavior...I told you that after you kissed me without my permission..." Guest_Phillip follows her, standing behind her "I found you there in your baby dragon form. and you curled up next to me, falling asleep" Guest_Dastan squeezes her hand softly..."In my memory...I did that to Ana...but it...didnt feel right...I couldnt figure out why...She is a Queen...but I remember saying it to someone I was calling Princess..." Guest_Aliyah smiles softly "you said no one would dare kiss the princess of Agrabah without her permission" Guest_Aliyah : and for the longest time you would call me princess or daughter of a street rat, never my name Guest_Phillip : it was in the palace gardens of Agrabah, and you were facing down an adult tiger name Ramai, one of Aliyah's tigers Guest_Aliyah : I wanted to kill you for that, but Leia told me thats what you do when you like a girl Guest_Aliyah blinks back sudden tears when she sees the smirk "we agreed that i would still tell you when you were being an ass and you would tell me when i was being to princessy" Guest_Aliyah : what do you mean by charges? and you and Leia have things that he wants.... Guest_Aliyah : Dastan, Jafar and Maleficent are still alive....but in a different land.... Guest_Aliyah : Stefan only got her dragon form..and if Stefan had killed Maleficent, how would Leia be here? Guest_Dastan : Leia and I were with Rumple...training...when we found out Guest_Aliyah : weeks ago, Stefan was in Agrabah, and weeks ago is when we were bonded Guest_Phillip : sounds like you remember everything from when you were in your dragon form Guest_Phillip smiles softly "what else do you remember from your dragon form" Guest_Aliyah : well...um...then stay away from her...she's here as well Guest_Leia starts to tell him what she remembers... Guest_Aliyah : she sorta helped get you and Leia out of Rumples fortress.... Guest_Aliyah : I know this is going to sound really odd, but have you been cut recently? Guest_Dastan : No...all I know is he has one heck of a black eye and a broken nose Guest_Aliyah lets out a shaky laugh as she hugs him "you did that too him...oh thank Allah it was his blood" Guest_Aliyah tells him what happened and the scene that was in their rooms "I thought....the blood was yours...." Guest_Aliyah gently lets go of him, moving away slightly "Im just so happy that you are ok..." Guest_Aliyah bites her lower lip "come on" she stands going over to the door, and opening it Guest_Aliyah over the next few hours, she takes him to every single place they had been too, when they had argued and when they hadnt, in hopes something will help with his memory Guest_Aliyah still out in the gardens, Ali looks at him, "Dastan...earlier you said something about wishing you had your memories back..." Guest_Aliyah : do it again....this time use my name when you make that wish.... Guest_Aliyah : trust me on this...please...you do it and you'll remember why Guest_Aliyah around them is a burst of air, and as he looks at her, her eyes go golden as his wish is granted Guest_Dastan gets hit with the burst of air...when he opens his eyes...he sees Ali in front of him...he rushes forward...kissing her deeply... Guest_Aliyah pulls him close, kissing him back just as deeply, tears sliding down her cheeks Guest_Aliyah hugs him back "I know...now...the blood is Hooks...." Guest_Aliyah : you just told me that...he has one hell of a black eye and broken nose... Guest_Aliyah returns the kiss before muttering "thank you for trusting me when I asked you to make a wish..." Guest_Aliyah purely selfish" she teases "wanted my husband back" Guest_Aliyah rests her head on his shoulder "Leia's here too..Phillip is working with her...and Regina is here too...and Phillip, Eragon and I found the cave, used it, and destroyed it..." Guest_Dastan : althought wouldnt have recommended bringing over the Evil Queen Guest_Aliyah : yeah, but she's here under guard, with one of those cuffs one and under Eragon's supervision...but we have a bigger problem.... Guest_Aliyah : apparently Zelena took your father and Maleficent to Oz.... Guest_Aliyah : they wanted you to cooperate....so they could get Leia's dragon heart and your genie powers... Guest_Aliyah : the ability to inherit them is in your blood even if you cant access them... Guest_Dastan : which explains why they were setting me up with the Miller's Grandbrat Guest_Aliyah : for the next generation...you didnt..hook up with her did you... Guest_Dastan : Dont worry Princess...you are the only one I will ever be with
Rank:Platinum Member
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- Register:10/01/2011 5:26 AM
Re:Part 24
Date Posted:10/09/2015 2:36 AMCopy HTML
Guest_Leia was in her secured suite...stubbornly refusing to be cooperative...the handmaidens had tried to dress her in some of the clothes that she had been using in Agrabah...her confusion was making her irratated... Guest_Aliyah knocks once before walking in, and motioning the handmaidens out and looks at Leia Guest_Phillip was in the room next to Leia's, hoping ALi could get through to her Guest_Aliyah smiles warmly at Leia "that outfit there" she points to the one on the bed "is your favorite..." Guest_Aliyah I know you think that, but you picked it out yourself...please try it on, Leia Guest_Aliyah gives her a look "go change, now...you'll feel better" Guest_Aliyah : you heard me..I do not repeat myself...go change Guest_Aliyah smirks at her as she raises her hand and snaps her fingers, and Leia's outfit changes to the one that was on the bed Guest_Aliyah : no Guest_Aliyah : somewhere in the unknown abyss Guest_Aliyah : did you and Phillip have a nice talk? Guest_Aliyah : tell me about your talk with Phillip and then maybe you'll get your clothes back...mind you it has to be the truth Guest_Aliyah : what did you talk about? Guest_Leia : He was trying to convince me that my memories were altered Guest_Aliyah : he is correct on that... Guest_Aliyah : not finished yet Guest_Aliyah looks back at her, bored "you know your glare has never had an effect on me" Guest_Aliyah : I want you to at least try to push your true memories to the surface...I would like to have one of my best friends back Guest_Aliyah : thats what he wants you to think...in fact you were the one to help me figure Dastan out when he was being such an jerk to me Guest_Aliyah : no I will not leave him out of this...he's a part of this just as you are.... Guest_Leia moves away from her...her hand on the magic cuff... Guest_Aliyah : like ive told you before, you cant take that off until whoever put it on takes it off Guest_Leia looks back at her...then out the window... Guest_Aliyah : look, Im not doing anything to hurt you...I just wish you would at least try and remember, push through those alternate memories Guest_Leia says...irritated and clearly fustrated... Guest_Aliyah goes and sits in a chair, and motions her to sit next to her "tell me what you remember..." Guest_Aliyah : look, i know you want figure out what is going on and talking about what you remember will help sort things out... Guest_Aliyah and you are being a brat..." she stands "its pretty sad when Dastan, who can be just as stubborn as you, decided to talk about what he remembered" she walks past her "but fine..have it your way, since the moment you were first brought here, I did everything to make sure you werent harm in any form or fashion, not because I was ordered too but because I wanted too" reaching for the door knob Guest_Leia follows her toward the door...not saying anything... Guest_Aliyah opens the door, and walks out, not shutting it all the way, and starts down the hall, knocking once on the door to the room Phillip was in as she walks by Guest_Leia : (hmmm...secure suites without automatic door closers...design flaw... ) Guest_Leia waits a few minutes...seeing she forgot to close the door the whole way...(mesa knows)...she slips out...trying to figure out how to get out of the Council building Guest_Phillip leans against the wall, watching her "going somewhere, kiddo?" Guest_Aliyah goes back to her and Dastan's room, going straight to the bathroom and splashes some cold water on her face Guest_Leia backs up...trying to keep some distance between them Guest_Aliyah hmm?" drying her face Guest_Phillip chuckles "you both have quite a bit in common..I see she got you to change outfits" Guest_Aliyah : no Im not ok...I want to strangle that bastard for what he did to you and Leia... Guest_Dastan moves over to her...gently pulling her into a hug... Guest_Aliyah gets pulled into a hug, resting her head on his shoulder "besides Phillip and you, she has been the only girl friend I have had....I dont get along with the other princesses in Mysthaven..." Guest_Leia keeps moving...not beleving him...until she runs into the shield... Guest_Aliyah nods "and I thought you were bad.." Guest_Dastan : its what he was doing to her...trying to mature her mind faster so her dragon form would age up...For all intents...Maleficent kept her safe and secured at the fortress...she was sheltered...which you saw the result... Guest_Aliyah yeah...and Phillip told me about their conversation from last night...." she fades off, thinking Guest_Aliyah : she remembers everything from when she was in her dragon form.... Guest_Dastan : makes sense...He probably didnt think to alter those memories Guest_Aliyah : do you think it would be safe to......you know.... Guest_Phillip : dont have that ability...and believe it or not you do belong here... Guest_Aliyah : well there is that...and maybe....either you or phillip make a...um...wish..... Guest_Leia 's breathing has started to speed up...as she slowly realizes she is cornered... Guest_Phillip : calm down..we arent going to hurt you here, we never have....we are your friends Guest_Dastan gently rubs her back as he holds her..."Your powers...your call...personally...considering we are supposed to keeping your powers a secret...I am not sure about exposing you again...not this soon after releasing my memories." Guest_Aliyah closes her eyes when he rubs her back "I just dont know if we will be able to keep her from running if we dont..." Guest_Phillip looks at her "come with me....I'll take you to see Dastan..." Guest_Leia moves back...getting zapped by the shield a bit... Guest_Aliyah : yeah...Eragon and Yensid put them up last night after we got back Guest_Phillip : rolls his eyes "this is not a trick..I am going to to take you to see Dastan Guest_Leia hestitates...but then moves away from the wall and the shield... Guest_Aliyah : which she wont get back until Phillip takes the cuff off... Guest_Aliyah : yeah...but she doesnt see it that way... Guest_Phillip that thing wont come off until whoever put it on you takes it off" he says, as they come up to the door and he knocks Guest_Aliyah : It's phillip.... Guest_Dastan lets her go..."Do you want me to answer it...or do you want the honor?" Guest_Aliyah kisses him "ill do it...just be where she can see you..." and then goes to answer the door, smiling "come in" Guest_Dastan stands there quietly...nodding as she goes to the door... Guest_Leia gets nudged into the room...she sees Dastan...who comes around and wraps his arms around her...hugging her... Guest_Phillip follows her in, shutting the door behind him and stands off to the side while Ali stays quiet Guest_Phillip mutters to Ali "lets hope this works better than our approaches..." Guest_Dastan : They are not here to hurt us...they are telling us the truth... Guest_Aliyah : that can be possible, Leia.... Guest_Phillip : I want her memories back as much as she does but you'll be exposing that gift more... Guest_Aliyah : Its her call...and I know Phillip and like it or not, its a risk Im willing to take for a friend, its the same risk i took to get my husband back Guest_Aliyah watches Leia Guest_Aliyah : yes...in a different wing of the building under guard and more restrictions than you Guest_Aliyah : no Im not but do either one of you want to fight her for the next week or month until they forgot on how sudden you got your memories back? and its her choice, she has to be the one to enact the magic... Guest_Dastan leans down...whisphering something into her ear... Guest_Aliyah looks back at her "what he told you, is true..." Guest_Aliyah : its your choice, Leia... Guest_Phillip keeps quiet, but silently hoping his wife decides to make that wish Guest_Leia closes her eyes..."Ali...I wish my...memories...were restored..." Guest_Aliyah 's eyes go golden as Leia feels a gust of wind Guest_Leia gets knocked back by the gust of wind...Dastan holding her to prevent her from falling... Guest_Aliyah 's eyes go back to their normal beautiful brown as the wish was granted Guest_Leia opens her eyes...looking at Phillip...a smile forming on her face... Guest_Leia rushes forward...melting into his arms... Guest_Phillip wraps his arms around her, letting out a sigh of relief Guest_Aliyah smiles softly "let me interrupt for a moment....you cant tell anyone what happened in here, Leia..." puts her arm around Dastan's waist Guest_Leia nods...then moves over to Ali...hugging her Guest_Aliyah hugs her back "welcome back, kiddo" Guest_Aliyah looks at Leia "scary that they are friends....but I think we girls would like to have some uninterrupted time with our husbands before finding a way to OZ" Guest_Aliyah gives them both a look when Phillip opens his mouth to start arguing "dont test me, Phillip...you know I will and can throw you into a fountain through that window" Guest_Phillip gee and here I thought you would calm down after getting him back" he says, smirking holding his hand out to Leia Guest_Aliyah raises a brow at him and one of her hands raise Guest_Phillip ok..ok...we are going...see you two when we see ya" and he and leia leave the room Guest_Aliyah mutters under her breath "brat" Guest_Aliyah looks at him "so...one rule...no planning on finding a way to Oz until after a few days, understood?" says in her princess tone Guest_Phillip and Leia go into his rooms "full stubborn mode...interesting..." Guest_Aliyah smiles sweetly and kisses him, teasingly Guest_Dastan kisses her back...pulling her tight against him... Guest_Aliyah gets pulled tight against him, arms going around his neck, gently breaking the kiss "you decide on what we do" Guest_Dastan grins...sweeping her off her feet and carrying her toward thier bed... Guest_Aliyah laughs as he lays her down on the bed