Title: Part 21 | |
kingdomofalder > Role Playing > Old Rps 2 | Go to subcategory: |
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andrasygirl | |
Date Posted:03/05/2018 2:29 AMCopy HTML Elizabeth whispered to the bird, hoping it would find her brother, wherever he was. It held a message of great importance. Closing her eyes and wishing, something she hadn't done since she was a small child, that the bird found him and let it go and watched it fly into the sky and soon disappear. |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #1 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/05/2018 3:52 AMCopy HTML Hook was standing on one of the palace's balconies...staring at the morning's stars as they begin to fade...
andrasygirl | Share to: #2 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/07/2018 6:35 PMCopy HTML Anna was wondering the palace, unable to sleep, a cold water bottle pressed to her cheek. She wws thankful no one had noticed the other the day. She came to the balcony where James stood, she didnt go out. Just stood and watched him.
As she watched a black bird landed on the railing. |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #3 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/09/2018 4:40 PMCopy HTML Hook moved over to the bird...whistling a soothing melody to it..."Hello Tock...Do you bring word from my sister?" He gently lifts the bird...removing the note from its leg...
andrasygirl | Share to: #4 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/10/2018 1:17 AMCopy HTML There were 2 lines on the small piece of parchment
~J need help. Meet at ship 2 days. E~ |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #5 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/11/2018 6:21 AMCopy HTML Hook reads the message...scribbling a reply...~Be there soon~ Before releasing the bird back into the air...he leans on the banister...thinking...plotting his next move...
andrasygirl | Share to: #6 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/13/2018 8:56 PMCopy HTML Lupe walks out onto the and sits next to him, bumping his leg with her head.
Anna watches carefully, lupe had never shown any affection for anyone other her and her father. |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #7 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/14/2018 4:54 AMCopy HTML Hook reaches down...petting Lopo...
andrasygirl | Share to: #8 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/14/2018 6:34 AMCopy HTML Anna stepped onto the balcony, lowering the bottle "trouble sleeping, or an early riser?" She asked softly as she stood on the other side of Lupe
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #9 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/14/2018 6:15 PMCopy HTML I have always been an early riser...Dad made sure of that...We were always up at dawn...
andrasygirl | Share to: #10 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/14/2018 7:46 PMCopy HTML "This has always been my favorite time of day. Everything is soft, slightly muted and yet the rays of the sun gives everything a bit of warm glow, a new start" she says softly
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #11 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/15/2018 4:08 AMCopy HTML So...I dont know how to say this...but...I have to go back...
andrasygirl | Share to: #12 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/15/2018 7:17 AMCopy HTML When Anna turned to him, a thoughtful look on her face, a bruise on her cheek became visable "ok, i will help you. On one condition" she said after what seemed like only a moment of thought
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #13 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/16/2018 4:49 AMCopy HTML You are staying here...Its far too dangerous for you on the other side of the border...and where did you get that bruise...?
andrasygirl | Share to: #14 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/17/2018 5:26 AMCopy HTML You wont be able to get out of the palace without me. Besides, soon enough it will be dangerous anywhere i go. As for the bruise, there is always a curve when learning something new.
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #15 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/17/2018 5:29 AMCopy HTML I have been out of the palace already...you are safer here...
andrasygirl | Share to: #16 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/17/2018 6:14 AMCopy HTML Look, I am not arguing with you. I am going. Either with you or without you" she told him with certainity "we can part ways if thats what you want after we cross the border" she opened the water bottle and took a drink before setting it down "oh and here you should wear this. It will block out the black magic that tried to take over Mara and Dastan" she handed him a beacelet
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #17 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/18/2018 3:20 AMCopy HTML I dont have magic...and no you are not...this is not your fight...
andrasygirl | Share to: #18 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/18/2018 5:00 AMCopy HTML Anna shook her head "you dont have to have magic to be over taken by dark magic. But, wear it, dont wear it, whatever" she grabbed his wrist and slapped the braclet in it "you do not get to make decisions for me" she turned to walk off the balcony
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #19 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/18/2018 6:36 PMCopy HTML Ok Princess...do you have a death wish or something...what is your deal?
andrasygirl | Share to: #20 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/18/2018 7:44 PMCopy HTML Anna turned back and faced him "no, Mr. Jones i do not have a death wish" with that she turned and walked back into the palace "you really should wear the beacelet" she told him
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #21 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/19/2018 4:55 AMCopy HTML What is so important to you over there...? It cant be the people that were banished...
andrasygirl | Share to: #22 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/19/2018 5:18 AMCopy HTML You have made it clear you dont want my help, so you dont need the answer to that.
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #23 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/19/2018 5:21 AMCopy HTML I am trying to keep you alive...There is nothing for you over there...So I ask again...what is so important over there that you risk your life...and mine...I might add...to disappear and nearly get killed...
andrasygirl | Share to: #24 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/19/2018 9:37 PMCopy HTML What do you care what i do with my life?" Anna had been wondering about that since she met him
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #25 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/20/2018 4:38 AMCopy HTML Because your dad was friends with mine...and I am not going to let you get yourself hurt by going someplace you shouldnt...
andrasygirl | Share to: #26 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/21/2018 10:50 PMCopy HTML Anna turned and after opening the door they had been standing in front of she went into her suite, leaving the door open behind her "i dont believe you have a say in where i belong, let alone where i go"
Lupe, who had been following them gently bumped her head on his behind, prodding him to follow Anna. |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #27 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/22/2018 4:05 AMCopy HTML What is over there...give me a reason...
andrasygirl | Share to: #28 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/22/2018 5:27 AMCopy HTML Anna stopped and turned in the middle of her sitting room "fine, but you wont believe me, no has yet" she waved her hand and the door closed she sat on the couch and began drawing on something after a cew moments she handed him the paper, on it was drawing of the world sorrounded by pictures of plants, animals and people "everything is connected, we all rely on eachother to survive, some groups more than others. If one group changes, the others are forced to adapt along with it" she said calmly "but if one group is taken out, the balance that we have is changed forever"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #29 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/22/2018 8:35 AMCopy HTML Ok...that does make a lot of sense...but even if you want to change things...unless that barrier is taken down and the villains are let back into Mysthaven...things are not really going to change...and let’s face it...how many here are going to be willing to let there greatest enemies back into this land...with their children and families here.
andrasygirl | Share to: #30 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/22/2018 10:57 PMCopy HTML Anna shook her head "its not just the barrier or the concentration of evil... what no one seems to want to hear is that if everything dies on the other side, this side will follow. The balance is off.... something has to be done and we wont fully understand it unless someone goes over" she stood and faced him her decision having already been made "something needs to be done Mr. Jones. I will help you get to the border, undetected on the condition that you wear the bracelet. It is all i am asking. Nothing more"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #31 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/23/2018 4:30 AMCopy HTML The Balance has been off for years...and unless that barrier comes down...nothing will change...Do you understand that?...And do you understand that there are people over that that will do anything they can to hurt you...especially Gothal...You would be walking right into her power base...
andrasygirl | Share to: #32 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/23/2018 5:24 AMCopy HTML There may be other options, no one knows. That is why someone has to go. Believe me, i am well aware of the dangers, it is a risk i am willing to take if it saves all of these people.
~everyones lack of faith in her was astounding, but she was determined to at least try. Something no one else was willing to do~ |
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #33 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/23/2018 5:22 PMCopy HTML Hook looks at her for a long moment...”Alright...”
andrasygirl | Share to: #34 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/23/2018 10:52 PMCopy HTML Anna looks back at him "will you wear the bracelet?"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #35 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/23/2018 11:20 PMCopy HTML What is it for...exactly?
andrasygirl | Share to: #36 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/25/2018 1:39 PMCopy HTML It helps block dark magic from taking you over. All you have to do is wear it.
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #37 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/25/2018 11:20 PMCopy HTML Wow....ok...You do realize I dont have magic...so dark magic shouldnt really affect me...right...?
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #38 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/27/2018 4:13 AMCopy HTML Wow....ok...You do realize I dont have magic...so dark magic shouldnt really affect me...right...?
andrasygirl | Share to: #39 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/28/2018 10:30 PMCopy HTML Anna just stared at him before letting a small, inaudible, sigh "like i said you dont have to wear it. It would just be precaution. Any way, do you want help getting to the border undetected?"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #40 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/29/2018 3:44 AMCopy HTML “ Alright...”. He says...putting the cuff on his wrist...”When do you want to go?”
andrasygirl | Share to: #41 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/29/2018 11:58 AMCopy HTML Anna thought about it for a moment "i need a few hours to get everything together." She looked out of the window at the early morning light "meet me at the stables around lunch?"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #42 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:03/30/2018 4:24 AMCopy HTML He nodded...”As you wish...”
andrasygirl | Share to: #43 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:04/04/2018 12:18 PMCopy HTML Anna noded back "very good. Stables at lunch"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #44 |
Re:Part 21 Date Posted:04/08/2018 4:14 AMCopy HTML As you command...Your Highness...