Title: Part 17 | |
kingdomofalder > Role Playing > Old Rps 2 | Go to subcategory: |
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Kassandra_Rosefern | |
Date Posted:01/21/2018 3:04 AMCopy HTML Young Hook stood on one of the balconies...staring out at the city...A Pirate by blood...he was already missing the sensation of water under his feet...he pulled out a necklace from under his shirt...inside the tiny glass bottle...was a even tinier hook...his father's...enchanted by the Sea Goddess to bring death to Hook's enemies...he had gone to Rumpelstiltskin to have it reduced...like many of the others had done to preserve thier dark magic...he looked at it...memories flashing before his eyes... |
andrasygirl | Share to: #1 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 6:09 AMCopy HTML Anna walked out on the balcony and stood next to hook, lupe her constant companion with her
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #2 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 5:53 PMCopy HTML Hook puts the necklace back under his shirt...staring out at the city...
andrasygirl | Share to: #3 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 6:58 PMCopy HTML Normally content to stand in silence, there was frission of irritation about the Princess, she turned to the capitan and regarded him before asking "i would assume you know how to use your sword yes?"
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #4 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 7:00 PMCopy HTML I was trained by a fencing master...along with various other pirates...I would assume I know how to handle a sword...
andrasygirl | Share to: #5 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 7:05 PMCopy HTML Anna nodded "its been a while for me. Join me in practice match?" She phrased in a half question/request
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #6 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 7:17 PMCopy HTML “If you wish...”. He said...offering her his arm...
andrasygirl | Share to: #7 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 8:42 PMCopy HTML Anna took his arm and lead out of palace and past the training grounds, Lupe followed silently behind them, to a slightly secluded clearing "I believe this should suffice" she was dressed in a pair of jeans and loose shirt, but no sword
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #8 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 10:49 PMCopy HTML Hook stands there...watching her..."Something is on your mind Highness...what is it?"
andrasygirl | Share to: #9 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 10:55 PMCopy HTML Anna stood and looked at him, almost through him, for a moment before shaking her head and sending him a smirk "many things capitan, many things, but right now a good fight" she brought her hands together and a sword materialized in them, similar in shape to the one he had at his side
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #10 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/21/2018 11:07 PMCopy HTML Hook watches her for a moment...before unsheathing his own sword...
andrasygirl | Share to: #11 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/22/2018 6:25 AMCopy HTML Anna became all business as they circled each other for a moment before making the first strike, feeling him out.
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #12 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/22/2018 6:36 AMCopy HTML "You cant heal over there...not the way you think you can..." He says...countering her strike...
andrasygirl | Share to: #13 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/22/2018 7:28 AMCopy HTML "You dont know me well enough to know what i am thinking" she said as she continued to strike and get a feel for him
Kassandra_Rosefern | Share to: #14 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/22/2018 7:32 AMCopy HTML You were bound and determined to go back to where you were hurt...even after you were told it wasnt a good idea...you are also have a healing specialty...its not a far stretch to figure out what you might be thinking...
andrasygirl | Share to: #15 |
Re:Part 17 Date Posted:01/23/2018 1:57 PMCopy HTML "Well, I can't argue with that logic, but you still don't know what I am thinking" Feeling as though she had a handle on his style, she moved in and began strike and move with earnest, hinting at her formal training