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- Register:11/18/2009 5:00 PM
Date Posted:03/30/2020 3:17 AMCopy HTML
nots.css 29 March 2020 [07:59p] Connecting to[08:00p] Error: ERROR :Ping Timeout: [>Dastan!1.21e6b51.0_7eacbff500cc2477af555fca27c6b297@GuestGate] [08:00p] Disconnected. [08:00p] Connecting to [08:01p] › You have joined the conversation. [08:01p] › Disclaimer: This room is a user controlled room. Rules for this room are set and enforced by this room's owners and hosts. Coc and ToU issues should be reported to the Helpdesk. [08:01p] › Note: For more information on the Connection Not Secure message please click HERE [08:01p] › Aliyah has changed your modes to +q [08:03p] › Aliyah +q Guest__Will_ [08:03p] › Aliyah +q Guest_Callisto [08:05p] Aliyah : Cassim: while it was handed down to you by your father, I cant buy it... [08:05p] › Aliyah +q Guest_Blue_Fairy [08:05p] Guest_Dastan : Why not? [08:07p] Aliyah : Cassim: it belongs to the royal family of Agrabah [08:08p] Guest_Dastan : what? [08:09p] Aliyah : Cassim: it belonged to the Princess of Agrabah [08:09p] Guest_Dastan : How did my father end up with it [08:11p] Guest__Will_ : you really think I planned for this to happen? [08:11p] Guest_Blue_Fairy : I think you let your arrogance and pride blind you to the conquenses of your actions... [08:12p] › Guest_Damien has left the conversation. [08:12p] Aliyah : Cassim: it was a gift... [08:12p] Guest_Dastan swallows...then takes back the ring... [08:12p] Guest_Dastan : Fine...what can you give me for the rest [08:13p] Aliyah Cassim looks at the rest and names a price [08:13p] Guest_Blue_Fairy : You can look at it one of two ways...a life sentence...or...the begining of your new life... [08:14p] Guest_Dastan swallows hard...it would be hard to make ends meet on that number...but he didnt really have a lot of choice..."Deal..." [08:15p] Aliyah "hold on" Ali speaks up "I think you can offer a bit more" [08:15p] Guest_Dastan looks back at Ali... [08:16p] Guest_Blue_Fairy : Most people live a lifetime searching for their true love...and most never find it...you have a rare opportunity to heal the past mistakes...and be with the girl fate has chosen as your true love... [08:17p] Aliyah Cassim raises a brow at her "and why would I do that?" as Ali gives him a look "please...he's not using that money for himself..." [08:18p] Guest_Dastan : Look...Its a deal...I will make ends meet... [08:20p] Aliyah : thats worth more than what he is offering, and he can give you a better price. isnt that right, your majesty [08:21p] › Guest_Blue_Fairy has left the conversation. [08:22p] Guest_Callisto has managed to get out of bed...and is staring out the window at the borderland...the barrier shimmering in the distance... [08:23p] Guest_Dastan looks back at Cassim..."Majesty?" [08:23p] Guest__Will_ takes in a deep breath and goes back into the room, watching her [08:24p] Aliyah Cassim gives him a flourishing bow "the king of thieves at your service" [08:25p] Guest_Dastan 's hand instintively goes to his sword...stepping between the King and the Princess... [08:26p] Aliyah Cassim looks at him then over the boys shoulder at Ali, who was struggling to keep from giggling "interesting...the son of Jafar protecting his father's enemy's daughter" [08:28p] Guest_Dastan You...know who I am? [08:30p] Aliyah Cassim nods "and your mother was the Sultans sister" [08:32p] Guest_Dastan : grandmother* [08:34p] Aliyah : what are you talking about? [08:36p] Guest_Dastan : My grandmother was the half sister of your grandfather... [08:37p] Aliyah : was never told about that [08:39p] Guest_Dastan : When your Great uncle died before having a child...the throne should have passed to the next male in the bloodline...which would have been the infant Jafar...but instead it skipped him in favor of your grandfather...who had been raised in a foreign land...but was the son of your great grandfather... [08:40p] Aliyah : that was back when the old law was in place [08:42p] Guest_Dastan : The law was in the process of being adapted for the times...My grandmother was the daughter of a senior Queen...while Haddad was the son of a minor queen...male dominance won out...which is why father was never titled as a Prince of Agrabah...Haddad's court made sure that all references to Jafar being the son of a Princess were purged from the records... [08:42p] Guest__Will_ leans against the door frame "things change, and for the record, I do own up to my mistakes" [08:42p] Guest_Dastan : I doubt that Haddad was ever told [08:43p] Aliyah : I never saw anything in my studies [08:43p] Guest_Dastan : Haddad probably never knew... [08:43p] Aliyah : Cassim: and thats part of the reason why Jafar went after your grandfather before you were born [08:44p] Guest_Dastan : He felt slighted...his birthright...his titles...everything was gone before he even could try to claim it...his mother died when he was a child...after telling him who he was...and what he was denied [08:50p] › Bolt105 has joined the conversation. [08:50p] › Bolt105 has left the conversation. [09:34p] Guest_Dastan : welcome back [09:34p] Aliyah : and yet he blamed my grandfather for that, tried to kill my parents! [09:35p] Guest__Will_ : looks like you'll have more opportunities to do that to me [09:37p] Guest_Dastan remains quiet... [09:43p] Aliyah but you dont care. I am sorry that law was still in place at that time. and I know you want us dead so you can take their place. there are two paths you can take, the choice is yours...oh and find your own way back" she snaps, storming away from them [09:44p] Guest__Will_ : better futures, maybe revive the moors...learn from past mistakes, take your pick [09:44p] Guest_Dastan : ah....She does know I am a villain...right? [09:46p] Aliyah : Cassim: she knows you are the son of one...at one time I was considered a villian in Agrabah but that changed....she has seen how things can be changed [09:46p] Guest_Dastan : I was born one [09:47p] Guest__Will_ : maybe not but someone from my family needs to take responsibility for what happened and attempt to make things right...give you back a home that from what I hear was your mothers pride and joy [09:48p] Aliyah Cassim shakes his head "no. you were born innocent...its your actions that determine who you are...you could be her diamond in the rough" [09:50p] Guest_Dastan : Yeah...probably not...So...we have a deal? [09:51p] Aliyah Cassim smiles knowingly "we do..." [09:52p] Guest_Dastan : Thank you [09:52p] Guest__Will_ : my call since it is my family's fault the moors where destroyed and those lights also made it my call [09:53p] Aliyah Cassim gives him his payment [09:53p] Guest_Dastan hands over the gold...turning to leave... [09:55p] Aliyah : Cassim: one last thing, you hurt the princess in any way, you'll have more to deal with than just her father [09:56p] Guest_Dastan : Look...I am not planning to hurt her...right now I have other worries to handle...keeping my family safe tops that list... [09:58p] Guest_Callisto stiffens when he says that...eyes flashing a weak green... [09:58p] Aliyah : Cassim: and that academy is the perfect place to help with that. and from my understanding she has helped to keep your family safe [09:59p] Guest__Will_ : oh for gods sake, stop being so stubborn and think on what I said [10:00p] Guest_Dastan : Which is why I am not going after her... [10:02p] Aliyah Cassim nods "better stay that way" and with that he goes back into the cottage [10:03p] Guest_Dastan watches him go back into the cottage...then starts back to Alder City... [10:04p] Guest__Will_ : then things will never changed, and more misery will follow [10:08p] Aliyah was jumping rocks in the creek, balancing on the one in the middle before kneeling down, putting her hand in the water [10:08p] Guest_Dastan sees her as he returns to the city...stopping to watch her... [10:09p] Guest__Will_ : yeah I heard...but that was my grandfather not me. Im not my grandfather [10:10p] Aliyah hums quietly and she gets startled, slipping on the rock, falling backwards into the creek [10:10p] Guest_Dastan : whoa [10:10p] Guest_Dastan hurries over to her... [10:10p] Guest_Dastan : you ok? [10:11p] Guest__Will_ : that I am but I also have my father's blood in me...and I would like to think Im more like my father than my grandfather..but you wouldnt care...you are just to hell bent on believing the worst in me [10:13p] Aliyah tucks a strand of wet hair back behind her ear, not looking at him "yeah...a frog jumped out at me...go ahead and laugh, everyone else does" [10:13p] Guest_Dastan : want me to send a snake after it? [10:14p] Guest_Dastan scoops her up into his arms...carrying her to the bank... [10:14p] Guest__Will_ : I admit at first I did....but listening to Ali, I believe I was wrong [10:15p] Guest_Callisto : really...is that why you wished you could go back and change things?... [10:15p] Aliyah wraps her arms around his neck as he carries her back to the bank "I distrubed him...and I thought snakes didnt eat frogs" [10:15p] Guest_Dastan : Snakes are predators...they will eat whatever they can to survive... [10:17p] Aliyah : it was an accident...I wasnt hurt and besides we arent far from the cottage...I couldve screamed and Cassim wouldve came running [10:17p] Guest_Dastan carefully puts her down... [10:18p] Guest__Will_ : yeah I did and I apologize for that....I wasnt expecting to see those lights [10:18p] Guest_Dastan removes his cloak...starting to put the dry cloak around her... [10:19p] Aliyah looks at him surprised "you dont have to do that..." she says softly [10:21p] Guest_Dastan : you are soaked [10:22p] Aliyah : but you'll get cold... [10:23p] Guest_Callisto : And why would you want to fix anything...you have everything you could have wanted...a throne...a kingdom that adores you...your enemy dead... [10:23p] Guest_Dastan : you will get cold faster... [10:24p] Guest__Will_ : because something horrible was done to someone innocent that didnt deserve that to happen, and innocent lives lost their lives in the moors... [10:25p] Guest_Callisto : and why would you care about the Moors...they are gone...end of story...you won [10:25p] Aliyah looks down as she nods "alright....thank you..." [10:26p] Guest__Will_ : I didnt win anything...and I know three fairies that miss their homeland, and would love to see it again [10:26p] Guest_Dastan sits next to her..."Most of the court that made sure Dad was denied his rights were long gone by the time he grew up...by then...he had no one else to blame except your grandfather..." [10:29p] Aliyah : what happened has been removed from the records... [10:29p] Guest__Will_ shakes his head "nothing is ever truly gone..." [10:29p] Guest_Dastan : elimating any paper trail... [10:30p] Aliyah : I didnt even know that grandfather had a half sister [10:30p] Guest_Dastan : Dad knew he couldnt prove his claim...and he has no backing with teh court...He would spend the next two decades building a power base...learning magic...finding resources to help him take the throne back...that is when he learned about the lamp...and started to hunt for his Diamond in the Rough... [10:32p] Guest_Dastan : all the time...watching Haddad living life as the Sultan...marrying the queen...having your mother...being respected and adored... [10:33p] Aliyah : then trying to get momma to marry him... [10:33p] Aliyah : and sending daddy into the cave since he was the diamond in the rough [10:33p] Guest_Dastan : a fleeting chance...he knew it wouldnt work...by that time...he detested the strong willed woman she had become...a woman...about to inheirate the throne his own mother was denied because of her gender... [10:35p] Guest_Dastan : the law that put you in line to the throne [10:35p] Guest_Dastan : had your grandfather's own revised law been in effect...I would be Sultan right now...and you would be nothing... [10:36p] Guest__Will_ : what? the moors live on in their hearts, just as it did in your mothers, and your mother lives on in your heart...and from what I know from my mother's version, your mother still had some of that innocent fairy deep down [10:39p] Guest_Dastan : although in theory...Dad might still be alive...and since your grandfather was a foreign prince...you could still be princess of somewhere other than Agrabah [10:39p] Aliyah but not free to live my life" she says softly [10:40p] Guest_Dastan : depends on the laws in place [10:40p] Guest__Will_ : unfortunately yes it was, but there was still some innocence deep down [10:41p] Aliyah : trust me...the laws that are in place are similar to Agrabah's ancient laws [10:41p] Guest_Dastan : True...but your grandfather changed the laws...he could have done it there too...we'll never know [10:42p] Aliyah : we are talking about two entirely different kingdoms now arent we [10:43p] Guest_Dastan : we are [10:44p] Aliyah : you are going to try and hurt me at some point, arent you? [10:45p] Guest_Dastan : Right now...I cant even think that far ahead...I have a family to protect... [10:46p] Guest_Dastan : The Queens still want us dead...its only a matter of time before they try to strike out at us... [10:47p] Aliyah : they cant reach you here...and you'll be more successful if you let friends help you out [10:47p] Guest_Dastan : I am not sure about that [10:48p] Guest__Will_ : both of us need to let go of our hatred if we want to survive... [10:48p] Aliyah : dont dismiss the help of friends [10:48p] Guest_Callisto : that hatred is all that has kept me alive for all these years [10:48p] Guest_Dastan : its not that [10:49p] Guest_Dastan he reaches into one of his pockets...pulling out a scroll...handing it to her...on it...is the image of Callie...with a reward of 20,000 gold peices... [10:50p] Aliyah takes the scroll from him and looks at it "who sent this?" [10:50p] Guest_Dastan : I found that in the academy stables...in one of the saddle bags... [10:51p] Guest__Will_ : IM NOT MY GRANDFATHER! and when I say you can learn to trust me I mean it [10:52p] Guest_Dastan : They have agents on this side of the barrier too... [10:52p] Guest_Callisto jumps when he yells...turning around quickly... [10:52p] Guest_Dastan : That was in Will's saddle bag... [10:53p] Aliyah : Will hasnt been out of Alder city [10:53p] Guest_Dastan : I know...someone is trying to set him up [10:54p] Guest_Dastan : but it has put Callie on edge [10:54p] Guest_Dastan : She doesnt trust him [10:55p] Guest_Dastan : Just as I am sure that eventually we will find scrolls that lead to you...against me and Liam [10:55p] Guest__Will_ : good got your attention..now listen to me...I want to fix things and help in anyway I can... [10:56p] Aliyah : we can always ask Cassim if he knows anything about this... [10:57p] Guest__Will_ : why do you keep saying that?! what am I missing? [10:58p] › Guest_Liam has joined the conversation. [10:59p] Guest_Liam hears commotion coming from his sister's room...he rushes in..."Pix?!?" [10:59p] Guest_Dastan : maybe [10:59p] › Guest__Will_ +q Guest_Liam [11:01p] Aliyah : he would have heard something....he's good at what he does [11:01p] Guest_Dastan : So I have heard [11:01p] Guest__Will_ mutters under his breath when Liam rushes into the room [11:02p] Aliyah : so...what does that mean for our friendship? [11:03p] Guest_Dastan : I dont...do...friendships...I dont have the time for them... [11:03p] › Don 1 has joined the conversation. [11:03p] › Don 1 has left the conversation. [11:03p] Guest__Will_ : I dont know what is bothering you or what i supposedly have done, besides being an ass to Ali... [11:03p] Guest_Dastan : right now...my focus is on keeping my little brother and sister safe [11:04p] Guest_Liam : Your Grandfather destoryed her entire kingdom...isnt that enough [11:05p] Aliyah nods as she stands, slipping his cloak off and handing it to him "I wish you luck on that" trying not to shiver as she walks away [11:06p] Guest__Will_ : look kid, what happened was before my time and Im more my father than grandfather [11:06p] Guest_Dastan gets up...following her...hurrying to walk beside her...slipping the cloak back around her..."Look...I dont know what the future holds...maybe we are destined to be buddies...I just dont know..." [11:07p] Aliyah : dont worry about me...alright...like you said your brother and sister come first...and I'll stay out of your way [11:08p] Guest_Dastan : Thank you [11:09p] Aliyah gives him a small smile "I dont need your cloak...better to start distancing now" [11:09p] Guest_Dastan : you are my mentor remember...cant really distance that [11:10p] Guest_Dastan : lets start with being academy class mates...see where it goes from there...deal? [11:11p] Guest_Liam : Dastan said he probably didnt...it was planted [11:11p] Aliyah nods, careful to keep her disappointment off her face "deal..." says softly [11:12p] Guest_Dastan escorts Ali back into the academy... [11:13p] Aliyah : thank you...you better go find your siblings [11:13p] Guest_Dastan : Thanks...and watch your back... [11:14p] Guest_Dastan heads upstairs...giving Will a glare as he goes past him on the stairs... [11:16p] Aliyah goes into her room, and takes a hot bath before changing and curling up on her bed, holding her pillow to her chest